Welcome to Dhiraj Rigs

Dhiraj Rigs is the outcome of determination and disciplines to achieve a level of quality of its products which may gain your confidence by way of their engineering, workmanship & stringent quality controls.

Dhiraj's products are engineered to precision, accuracy and perfection. Their performance is testimony of their durability and adherence to the international standards. By virtue of our established manufacturing organization, technical skills and through professionalism in all fields. Our patrons have recognize us out rightly.


Our Porducts

Our wide range of high performance drilling equipments include D.T.H. Drilling Rigs, Truck Mounted Drilling Rigs, Tractor Mounted Drilling Rigs, Trolley & Trailer Mounted Drilling Rigs, Crawler Drilling Rigs, Wagon Drilling Rigs, Slim Drilling Rigs, Inwell Type Lightweight Rigs, etc.